Seniors are so much fun!
I met with one of my beautiful senior reps yesterday! I am so luck to have her representing J Ellen Photography, isn't she just gorgeous?!?!
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So I attempted to take my little guys Christmas pictures today, boy I had no idea what I was getting myself into! It wasn't an epic fail, but I will be trying again in the morning! I have so many things that I want to try with him, but now I am thinking that I may wait till next year for some of them! This was my first attempt..... .....and it ended with this.... melt down/temper tantrum. So we took a little nap. After his nap he did a little better. Not perfect, but we are trying again in the morning!
I had an amazing session with the Hernandez family yesterday! Last time I saw there little Maddox he was only 9 days old! They grow so fast, I can't even remember what it was like when my little one was that small, it's like I blinked and it's already been a year! I also got to meet Maddox's older sisters they were such beautiful young ladies! ***Please note image quality varies due to screen resolution and calibration.
***Please do not save or copy, images are copyrighted and protected by law. You may tag the images when they are uploaded to my facebook fan page. I had a 6 month session scheduled for this morning, but it is to cold to get little ones out for a session. Little Makenzie would have been freezing!
Today is the coldest day this week it actually feels like winter! Dang Texas weather, we all complain, but honestly I would not trade it for anything. I have seen in some places that it is already below freezing eeeek! I have a session with the Hernandez family this afternoon. I am so glad that it will be warming up by then! Have you had you annual family portrait done yet? If you don't do an annual family portrait you should start, it is so amazing how much your family changes without you realizing it! Well I have been neglecting my web page here lately and relying on facebook alone for advertisement. I got on here today and noticed there was sooooo much to update including my phone number! Shame on me!
So sorry to those of you that don't have facebook and do view my web page. I am hoping to start paying more attention to my webpage and keeping it up to date. Starting with my blog. It is here for a reason and that is to share my thoughts with you all. I don't want to get to personal, but I would like to start sharing more about myself! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? |
January 2025